Arizona Do It Yourself Weed Control Warehouse
- Professional Grade Products
- Open to the Public
- We sell the good stuff
- Protect your family, home & pets
- No License Required!
Best Weed Killer | Weed Control Products
- Pre-Emergents – Keep Weeds from Sprouting
- Post-Emergents – Kill Existing Weeds
- Soil Sterilants – Kill weeds & prevent any growth
- Colorants & Dyes – Mark what you’ve sprayed (this is the blue or green stuff you see)
Some of our products:
- Merit, Pramitol, Princep, Reward, Sticker, Turf Mark, Dye, Fusilade, Imidacloprid, LI-700, Landmark, Maintain, Olive Stop, Marathon, Merit, MSMA
- Preemergent
- RoundUp / Glyphosate
- Amine 24D
- Nutsedge / Nutgrass
Call or Come In. Next day shipping to all of AZ!
(602) 371-1993 / (480) 496-9200 / (800) 675-7485 / Email Us
2016 W. North Lane, Phoenix, AZ.

I-17 to Peoria Ave. then go east.