Surgebusters Water Tank Baffles - Important Update
Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 20, 2022
The Surgebuster Certificate of Compliance for US Forest Service VIPR I-BPA (Virtual Incident Procurement Incident Blanket Purchase Agreement) is now available.
For some companies using Surgebuster Water Tank Baffles, a Certificate of Compliance is required in order to provide service on US Forest Service Lands. The Surgebuster Ceriificate of Compliance is available from the manufacturer, which charges a fee of $50. Surgebuster certificate of compliance. There are very specific requirements including a copy of your Surgebuster Invoice.
Surgebuster tank baffles are the leading form of after-market liquid surge control and are superior to all other baffle-balls on the market. Surgebuster water tank baffles reduce tank surge to improve the safety, handling and braking of your vehicle, protecting you and your company.