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Spray Equipment – Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot

Spray Equipment – Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot

Posted by Andrew Greess on May 25, 2011

Spray Equipment can be challenge enough to keep running.  You (and your employees) don’t need to create unnecessary spraying equipment problems.

Birchmeier Backpack repair

This red blob was a Birchmeier Backpack.  It was melted by the exhaust of the Honda engine.   We don’t think this could have happened immediately.  We think the tech must have been ignoring this situation for quite some time.

One solution is to check the load before you start your day and make sure spray equipment is not exposed to unnecessary risks.  Another more specific solution is an exhaust deflector on the Honda engine (Photo).  There are relatively inexpensive and easy to install.  We have been installing the deflectors our our gas-powered sprayers for years.  We always thought the purpose was to redirect the hot exhaust away from where technicians are likely to put their hands.  Surprise – here is another benefit.

Honda Exhaust Deflector

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