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Power Sprayer Purchasing Problems to Avoid

Power Sprayer Purchasing Problems to Avoid

Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 2, 2021

Hi, it’s Andrew Greess, your spray equipment expert from Today, I want to share some thoughts in the video below on some common purchasing mistakes we see when maintenance crews and landscape company owners come to us to buy pest control and landscape power sprayers.

I’ve seen these common purchasing mistakes that could be avoided with a little forethought. These mistakes can cause wasted time and money, missed appointments, and lots of frustration. So read on, and learn to avoid these mistakes when choosing power sprayer equipment.

  1. Don’t try to buy a power sprayer that does everything. Find out what the major needs are - look for a sprayer that will do 80% of the job, then buy a power sprayer for that main part of the work. Think about your power spray equipment - will it be an expense or an investment? Consider how you will use your equipment after you obtain it.
  2. Don’t buy solely on price. Does this equipment help your productivity or hurt your productivity? Don’t just buy low-cost sprayers, cheap tanks, cheap tank fittings, etc. They may work OK for awhile, but these parts likely won’t last long and you may end up with some expensive repair and replacement problems.
  3. Don’t buy the wrong equipment. I see customers buying the wrong equipment, the wrong components, the wrong type of pump. These errors happen all too often. It’s best to buy the right equipment, and get the input you need from users, from the maintenance crew, the trusted suppliers you work with and others.

If you avoid these mistakes above, you’ll be better off in your work, and you won’t have issues with your pest control equipment & landscape equipment. By staying on top of making the right purchasing decisions, you will:

  • Reduce downtime
  • Reduce repair expense
  • Reduce missed appointments and
  • Lessen your problems and headaches.

For more information on our professional grade spray equipment for landscaping, pest control and termite troubles, visit us on the web at

Here are some quick links to our top parts pages for pest control and landscaping services:

- Power Spray Rigs by Power Source

- Power Spray Rigs by Vehicle Type

- B&G Sprayers

- Filters

- Quick disconnect

- Pumps

Landscape Equipment Solutions

Do a video for this version and I will create the content for this.

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