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Gator Weed Sprayer - Damage is Avoidable 3

Posted by Andrew Greess on Nov 3, 2012

Gator Weed Sprayer brought in for service.  We immediately noticed a number of problems with the Gator Sprayer.

gator sprayer equipment backup problem

This is the same weed sprayer as the prior post with the chemical-covered tank and bad tires.   This photo shows the boom at the rear of the John Deere Gator Weed Sprayer:

Obviously the weed spray tech crashed into something while in reverse.

My observations:

1. When driving a vehicle containing a weed spray rig and potentially hazardous chemicals - BE CAREFUL.  Watch where you are going.

2. Slow down.  This idiot was obviously going too fast.

3. We prefer to make the spray boom removable so when not in use it can be removed.

4. We build our spray booms out of heavier steel.  It would have been harder to do this damage to our boom.

5. Fix It!  Company did not fix the boom, nor ask us to fix it.  They just left it this way.  What message does this send to: customers, employees, the public? If the company doesn't care about its equipment, its a pretty good bet the employees don't care either.


Read the prior post on this topic