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Commercial Pest Control Sprayers - Another Safety Issue

Commercial Pest Control Sprayers - Another Safety Issue

Posted by Andrew Greess on Jul 22, 2018

A pest control ladder was carelessly tossed into truck on top of commercial pest control sprayer. The pest control sprayer was just one good bump in the road away from an expensive problem.

The good news is, no one here was hurt. Additionally, an issue like this can be easily avoided with only a few extra minutes of time by your tech.

Some suggestions on how to avoid these safety issues:

1. Train pest control (or weed) technicians to do a quick check of their load before driving off. Ensure equipment is secure to protect equipment, driver, other drivers.

2. In this case, the company should invest in a ladder rack to properly secure the ladder and protect equipment.

3. Consider a Telesteps Telescoping ladder. This is a compact cost effective solution. These pest control ladders fits in the truck and the company doesn't have to buy a ladder rack.

4.  Supervisors should do vehicle inspections to identify and correct this kind of silliness.

Telesteps ladders are available on