null Blog — Power Sprayer Parts and News

Termite Spray Rigs - How Can They Do That?

Posted by Andrew Greess on Jan 19, 2009

We received a call from a termite control company in TX. They wanted a quote on a 300 gallon termite spray trailer. After collecting the necessary data, we provided a quote.The owner told us that he liked us but that freight made our quote more expensive than a local quote he received. I asked what was in the local quote. It turns out that there we […]

Landscape Sprayers - How does that work?

Posted by Andrew Greess on Nov 19, 2008

I received a call today from a gentleman in CA who was starting a lawn fertilizing business. He saw the large variety of landscape sprayers on our site and wanted to check prices. I asked a few questions, like what type of fertilizer will you be applying and how many gallons of product will you apply at each stop? He did not know. I explain […]

NPMA Pest World Presentation — Visit Us To Learn More

Posted by Andrew Greess on Oct 24, 2008

Hello. I just finished my presentation, Preflight Checklist: Save time, save money, serve customers at National Pest Management Association Pest World Conference. The session went well, and attendees were favorable in their reviews. Download the preflight checklist at It will save you time, money and customers.

Featured Speaker - Pest World Conference

Posted by Andrew Greess on Oct 13, 2008

My presentation to the National Pest Management Association Pest World Annual Conference will be on Thursday October 23, at 2:30 pm in the National Harbor Room 10. The topic is "Preflight Checklist: Save Time, Save Money, Serve Customers". I hope you can attend. If not, download a copy of the checklist from our website: This i […]

NPMA Pest World

Posted by Andrew Greess on Sep 21, 2008

Great News. I have been invited by National Pest Management Association to speak at their annual Pest Worldconference in Washington DC in October 2008. I will be presenting a session entitled "Preflight Checklist - Save Money, Save Time, Serve Customers". More details to follow. Hope to see you in DC. Andrew Greess Pest Control Spra […]

Birchmeier Backpack Sprayers - Best in the Business

Posted by Andrew Greess on Jul 18, 2008

Birchmeier makes the best backpack sprayer in the business. It is backed by a 2 year warranty. In my experience, if properly maintained and serviced, it can provide many years of service.There are a number of easy steps you can take to extend the life of your backpack.Tip #1 - Always take the pressure off your Birchmeier backpack. Never store the s […]

Pest Control Sprayer - Inspect the Bolts

Posted by Andrew Greess on Jul 13, 2008

Pest control spray rigs are in your truck - they need to stay there. How long has it been since you inspected the bolts holding your pest control sprayer in your truck. Nuts can come loose, truck beds can rust, etc.  You don't want your rig flying out in the event of an accident. Check your bolts! Here is a photo of bolts […]

Honey Bee Safety - Use a Bee Suit

Posted by Andrew Greess on Jul 13, 2008

Bee Careful!  Honey bee safety requires the use of a professional bee suit.Just published an article on honey bee safety on The editors there liked it so much they named me an expert author!  Be sure to wear your beesuit. […]

Power Spray Equipment - Safety is Free

Posted by Andrew Greess on Jul 4, 2008

Power Spray Equipment - Safety Hint - 2nd in a series.Examine your power spray rig.  Are the power sprayer water tank straps snug?  Intact?   Secure?  Any signs of wear?  Do a thorough inspection periodically.  You do not want a tank flying off your truck, becoming a water-filled projectile. […]

Pest Control Equipment - Safety is Free

Posted by Andrew Greess on Jun 24, 2008

Pest control equipment - is your toolbox - storage or flying lawsuit? The first in a series of articles on pest control & weed control equipment safety. The costs of lack of safety can be big: injured employees, medical expenses, clean up expenses, increased insurance (auto, workers comp, liability) expenses, customer impacts, costs of hiring […]