null Blog — Power Sprayer Parts and News

Backpack Sprayers & B&G Sprayers - Important Keys

Posted by Andrew Greess on May 10, 2009

Backpack sprayers and B&G 1 gallon sprayers form a critical part of pest control spray equipment. Most PMPs use some type of manual hand sprayers: B&G sprayers and/or one of the many backpack sprayers on the market. Are you doing everything possible to ensure you and your employees are getting the maximum results and value from your hand […]

Green Pest Management Conference - Regulatory

Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 25, 2009

Speaker - Steve Bessett, Founder, Eco_Smart technologies. It takes 10-15 years and $100-$200 million to get a new active ingredient registered. Pharmaceutical companies used to be involved but have distanced themselves from pesticide/herbicide products. Many profitable AIs are coming off patent. The result of these three trends is fewer new ac […]

Implementing IPM Tools — Visit Us Today to Learn More

Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 25, 2009

Gary Ross - VP Prentiss. You need the best IPM Tools.  Check out our IPM Tool Belt. 1. Evaluate your market. How green is your market (left and right coasts are way ahead) How tolerant will you customers be of pests? What are your customers main concerns? 2. Green programs are based on IPM.  Follow the IPM Pyramid. […]

Green Pest Management Conference - IPM Panel Discussion

Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 25, 2009

Pest Management Professional panel discussion.  Here are some of my take aways: Put your money where your mouth is.  Become a green company before offering green services.  It will make you and your employees feel good, save you money, build credibility with prospects and customers. You must do integrated pest management (IPM) […]

Green Pest Management Conference - Dallas, Jacqueline Ottman

Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 24, 2009

1st speaker Jacqueline Ottman, Consulting.  Green industry marketing expert.  People buy green because they are concerned about themselves and their family, NOT because they are concerned with saving the planet.  She described 6 shades of the green consumer, from totally committed to the lifestyle to totally unconcerned. How can […]

Green Pest Management - Implementation

Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 24, 2009

Western Exterminators reports the following key success factors in implementing their reduced impact program: 1. Top management must buy in and be committed 2. Local management must buy in and support the program 3. Education is critical. Techs must understand. 4. Non-believers must be helped through the process or they won't s […]

Power Sprayer Trucks - Factors to Consider When Purchasing

Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 20, 2009

Power Sprayers Your TruckThere are many factors to consider when purchasing a truck for a power spray rig for Pest Control or Weed Control.  One issue to consider is how your desired power spray equipment configuration works in your truck. Many new trucks have features that can impact installation and use of power spray equipment. There are fe […]

Power Spray Equipment: What does it say about your Brand?

Posted by Andrew Greess on Apr 18, 2009

This post will focus on the image your spray equipment sends to the market. Does your power sprayer support your brand or detract from it? Your brand is everything you do in the marketplace to differentiate your company from all your competitors. Your logo, advertising, operations plan, trucks, uniforms, etc. all contribute to your brand. W […]

Power Sprayer Pump Maintenance: 8 Tips for Extending Pump Life

Posted by Andrew Greess on Mar 30, 2009

There are a number of steps you and your staff can take to get better results from your power sprayer pump.  These simple steps, if followed, can: Improve pump performance Reduce pump down time Extend pump life 1. Pump Selection. Select and use the correct power spray pump for your application. Not every pump can be used for every […]

21st Century Pest Control Spray Equipment

Posted by Andrew Greess on Feb 28, 2009

Today I provided continuing education training for about 60 pest control operators and technicians at the AZ Office of Pest Management. My topic was Pest Control Spray Equipment Safety: Design, operations and procedures. The session was well received. What really struck me was something that occurred at the very end of my presentation. I pr […]