null Blog — Power Sprayer Parts and News

Telesteps Ladders – What Are The Disadvantages?

Posted by Andrew Greess on Mar 8, 2013

Telesteps telescoping ladders are a great ladder for a variety of professional and home users. We are a distributor of Telesteps Ladders and I think it is only fair that I share the disadvantages. These points refer to the telesteps telescoping ladders, not to the combination ladders or the attic/loft ladder also built by Telesteps. […]

Power Sprayers - Good Design is Worth the Money

Posted by Andrew Greess on Mar 4, 2013

One of our long time clients hired a new supervisor who insisted they buy a power sprayer from another company. The supervisor assured the boss it would be cheaper. Several months afte the purchase, they were having issues so they brought the weed sprayer to us for service. There were numerous problems. The manufacturer had installed a […]

Spray Equipment - Don't Wait for that Problem

Posted by Andrew Greess on Feb 27, 2013

When it comes to your spray equipment, if you know you are about to have a problem, fix it now, don't wait. A good friend of mine once told me, "if I have to eat sh-t, I want to eat it all now. I don't want to come back for seconds. I don't want to nibble a little bit for a few days. I want to be done with it". The same applies to your pe […]

Pest Control Professionals - Need Help

Posted by Andrew Greess on Feb 26, 2013

I need a favor. I have applied to be a speaker at the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) annual conference in Phoenix this fall. I would like to speak on the topic of reducing Pest Control Downtime to Improve Profitability. If you have found any of my material helpful, please send an email to NPMA, recommending me as an expert speaker […]

Need Sales? Listen More by Talking Less

Posted by Andrew Greess on Feb 22, 2013

Sales Tip of the Week from Mike Leeds – Pro Sales Coaching How to get the most out of your questions to customers... When asking questions, it is very common to ask "closed-ended" questions which often result in a "yes or no" answer, or a single word answer. This is the main reason that sales people end up speaking an average of 78% of the t […]

Your Power Sprayer Tank is NOT a Trash Can

Posted by Andrew Greess on Feb 18, 2013

The tank on your power sprayer is not a trash can. This may sound obvious, but our spray equipment repair experience proves it is not uncommon for spray techs to use their spray tank as a trash can. Here is a great example. Client brought their weed sprayer in for service, reporting pump not functioning properly. We found the power spray […]

Spray Equipment for Pest & Weed – You Need a Backup Plan

Posted by Andrew Greess on Feb 12, 2013

Your pest control spray equipment & weed control sprayer is important to your business. What is your plan if your spray equipment has a problem? I am amazed at the number of business owners that have a critical piece of equipment go down with no backup. We do our best to get them back in business as fast as possible, but sometimes, especi […]

B&G Sprayers - Clean That Filter for Productivity & Profit

Posted by Andrew Greess on Feb 6, 2013

The B&G Sprayer is the lifeblood of most pest control professionals. We use our B&Gs every day to service our clients. We rely on it as much as we rely on our truck. It is critical to treat the B&G 1 Gallon Sprayer like the important piece of equipment that it is. One of the most important things a pest professional can do to ensure great […]

How Did the Turd Get in the Power Sprayer?

Posted by Andrew Greess on Feb 2, 2013

What is this junk and how did it get into the power sprayer? Technician brought his power sprayer in last week and said it wouldn't spray.  Our power sprayer experts checked all the usually suspects when someone brings in a weed sprayer or pest sprayer with a problem: - Clogged filter - Clogged tip - Air leak, etc. Couldn't fin […]

Pest Control Marketing Tip - Guest Blogger Hal Coleman

Posted by Andrew Greess on Jan 30, 2013

Pest Control Marketing expert, Hal Coleman, shares this great marketing tip for pest control (or landscape) professionals.Some businesses offer too many choices in the beginning and lose lots of sales and new business because of it.  Too many choices creates a condition known as cognitive dissonance.  The brain becomes confused and it sim […]