null Blog — Power Sprayer Parts and News

Purchase Price is the Tip of the Iceberg

Posted by Andrew Greess on Jan 6, 2015

Many companies never calculate what pest control or weed control spray equipment costs their company. Many managers equate spray equipment cost with the purchase price. Unfortunately, purchase price is only one component of cost. Purchase price is only the tip of the iceberg. The majority of spray equipment cost is like the bulk of the iceberg […]

10 Pest Control Hose Hints — Discover More Today

Posted by Andrew Greess on Dec 29, 2014

Here are some tips to keep your pest control sprayer hose in great shape: Operations:1. When rolling your power spray hose back onto the hose reel, run the pest control hose through a rag to remove debris that could damage the hose. 2. Inspect your hose (or train your technicians to) regularly for damage, excessive wear, leaks, etc. 3. […]

Protecting and Retaining Employees: Is Your Spray Equipment Up to the Challenge?

Posted by Andrew Greess on Dec 23, 2014

Many companies state their employees are their greatest assets. These companies implement benefits and reward systems to attract and retain the best people. Many demographic changes are affecting the available labor pool. As a result, the workforce is aging, younger workers demand more from a job than just a paycheck, and younger workers have mo […]
Your Spray Equipment Should Support Your Company Brand

Your Spray Equipment Should Support Your Company Brand

Posted by Andrew Greess on Dec 19, 2014

Your brand is everything your company does in the marketplace to differentiate itself from competitors. Logos, advertising, operations plan, trucks, uniforms, etc., contribute to your brand. What comes to mind when you think about the following companies: Walmart, Apple computers and Starbucks? How many millions of dollars have these companie […]
Strategic Questions To Consider When Evaluating New Spray Equipment

Strategic Questions To Consider When Evaluating New Spray Equipment

Posted by Andrew Greess on Dec 17, 2014

Very soon, 2015 will be here. And with the start of a new business year there are some important questions to be answered such as 'can the benefits of the new spray equipment be financially quantified?' * Will sales increase from: - add-on sales to customers; - acquisition of new customers, or - ability to raise prices? […]
Company Growth Strategy Should Drive Spray Equipment Selection

Company Growth Strategy Should Drive Spray Equipment Selection

Posted by Andrew Greess on Dec 12, 2014

Is your company looking to grow and expand in 2015? Hopefully the answer is yes. But how? What spray equipment should a company buy? Why do technicians seem to take so long on each stop? How can the company boost productivity? These are some of the questions companies should ask when considering spray equipment purchases. Too many companies bu […]

More Spray Equipment Purchasing Errors to Avoid

Posted by Andrew Greess on Dec 9, 2014

Not getting enough input on the requirements Too many managers think they know everything about spray equipment and tell vendors what they want instead of asking for advice. Don’t assume you know everything. Get advice about designing the equipment from employees and colleagues. When you go to an industry class or conference, walk through the […]
Top Spray Equipment Purchasing Errors to Avoid

Top Spray Equipment Purchasing Errors to Avoid

Posted by Andrew Greess on Dec 6, 2014

It is really amazing how much money companies spend buying the wrong power spray equipment. What are some of the causes of this problem, and what can be done to reduce purchasing mistakes and dollars wasted on spray equipment? Here are some common mistakes. Buying one Sprayer to Meet All your Spraying Needs When designing a sprayer to use fo […]
Reduce that Pressure Part #2

Reduce that Pressure Part #2

Posted by Andrew Greess on Dec 2, 2014

Overpressurization can damage pest control power sprayers, Birchmeier backpack sprayers and B&G sprayers. Here are some suggestions to help you reduce pressure-related pest control sprayer problems: Set a company policy for power sprayer operating pressure. Train techs to operate power sprayers at recommended pressure. Supervisor […]
Reduce that Pressure Part #1

Reduce that Pressure Part #1

Posted by Andrew Greess on Nov 25, 2014

Without pressure, most power and manual pest control sprayers won't work. The problem is too much pressure, which has a number of negative impacts, including decreased sprayer life. Here is an interesting observation. When we build a new gas-powered pest spray rig, we set it at about 75 PSI. When spray rigs come into our shop for servi […]